American President Trump Has Revoked Obama-Era Guidelines On Transgender Bathrooms

President Donald Trump's government on Wednesday has withdrawn
the much appreciated Obama-era administration to public institutions giving
transgender students freedom to use the toilets of their decision,
repealing a signature action of previous Democratic President Barack Obama.
Changing of the Obama guidelines may cause outburst in the latest struggle in America among believers of typical values and social reformists, and it is likely to add more of the street rally that happened at Trump's Nov. 8 election and during the inaugural event.
Obama had ordered public schools last May to let transgender scholars use the bathrooms that meet their preferred gender status, warning to keep funding for schools that did not comply. Transgender people addressed the action as a triumph for their civil rights.
Now, when Trump has revoked it, let's find out about the chaos that's spread all across the USA.

It's been a month only when President Trump took over the White House.

In this short span of time in the office, Trump has already done a lot of harm to Obama-era policies, and this is yet another wound for Americans when Donald Trump repeals those transgender bathrooms guidelines.
Although, these rules were put on hold by a federal judge, claiming that states and public schools should have the authority to make their decisions without governmental interference.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House to protest against Trump.

People are waving vibgyor flags (the symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, people) and chanting to protest: "No hate, no fear, trans students are welcome here."
"We all know that Donald Trump is a bully, but his attack on transgender children today is a new low," said Rachel Tiven, chief executive officer of Lambda Legal, who supports LGBT people.

While there are some, who've hailed the Trump's decision.

Such as Conservative from Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton, who initiated the trial by challenging the Obama's direction, praised the Trump government action.

Attorney General Ken Paxton has released a statement saying...

"Our fight over the bathroom directive has always been about former President Obama's attempt to bypass Congress and rewrite the laws to fit his political agenda for radical social change," reports Reuters.

The Story Of A Teacher Who Created Tennis Ball Chairs For Autistic Students With Sensory Issues Is Heartwarming

All students are unique in their own way. Each one has a different way of learning, grasping and explaining, which is why teachers have to come up with different ways of teaching. Also, schools can be distracting, uncomfortable to some while overwhelming to some others.
A teacher from Illinois recognised these traits in her students. She noticed children having autism with sensory issues, and therefore she resorted to an idea to make their learning and school experience as comfortable and easy as possible.
 She is a first-year speech-language pathologist who teaches at Raymond Ellis Elementary School. She thought of using tennis balls, hot glue gun, paint and modge podge to make a chair for her students facing autism with sensory issues.

How does this work?

In a Facebook post, Amy shared, "Tennis balls on the seat and backrest provide an alternative texture to improve sensory regulation."

She got the idea from seeing something similar on Pinterest.

A praiseworthy teacher.

She wanted to address the various sensory needs that are present at Ellis and to provide an alternative seating option to them. She was very excited about the fact that this invention would be beneficial for the students.

What were the results?

Amy has already seen the difference; the students have become more patient, aren't restless anymore and follow directions.

Well, Amy has not just fulfilled her duty of teaching against money, but also has set an example of a perfect teacher.

NASA Discovers An Entirely New Solar System Called TRAPPIST-1 Where Alien Life Could Indeed Exist

 For decades,  extraterrestrial and UFO enthusiast groups have been hoping for signs of life on other planets; an idea that seemed quite farfetched to others.
However due to a new recent discovery made by NASA, those wishing for such life may just get what they have been hoping for!

A new solar system discovered

According to an article
 written by Henry Bodkin for The Telegraph, "Life may have evolved on at least three planets within a newly discovered solar system that is 39 light years from Earth." This [mentioned] article was written in response to an announcement made by NASA on Wednesday in which they announced the discovery of an entirely new solar system.


This newly discovered solar system has been named TRAPPIST-1, and for those wishing to know more regarding it, the discovery team of the said system has set up a specialwebsite where you can read all about it.
In the about section of the mentioned website, the following information has been written: "TRAPPIST-1 is a planetary system, located 12 parsecs away from the Solar system (39 light years), near the ecliptic, within the constellation of Aquarius. Around a star which is 12 times less massive than the Sun and only slightly larger than Jupiter, there are at least seven planets in orbit. The initial discovery was made by TRAPPIST, the TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope"

More regarding the planets (in the new solar system)

According to NASA, "researchers using TRAPPIST [initially] announced they had discovered three planets in the system. Assisted by several ground-based telescopes, including the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, Spitzer confirmed the existence of two of these planets and discovered five additional ones, increasing the number of known planets in the system to seven."

But why all the hype?
Andrew Griffin for Independent News states, "At least three of the seven planets represent the "holy grail for planet-hunting astronomers", because they sit within the "temperate zone" and are the right temperature to allow alien life to flourish, the researchers have said. And they are capable of having oceans, again suggesting that life could flourish on them."

So does this mean that alien life could truly exist then?

According to information given in Griffin's article (mentioned above) "No other star system has ever been found to contain so many Earth-sized and rocky planets, of the kind thought to be necessary to contain aliens." The article goes on to say that "The researchers might soon be able to find evidence of life on the planets, they [the researchers] have said. British astronomer Dr Chris Copperwheat, from Liverpool John Moores University, who was part of the international team, said: "The discovery of multiple rocky planets with surface temperatures which allow for liquid water make this amazing system an exciting future target in the search for life. Any evidence of life is likely to be "strong, very strong or conclusive", the scientists said. It will be done by looking for what molecules are in the atmosphere – if they were to find things like oxygen, and in the right amounts, then it would probably indicate that there was biological activity".

3 Quirks That Un-Americans Don't Really Understand

Whether it's super-size meals, our patriotic attitude or the good old stars and stripes, there are many things considered to be quintessentially American. However, it may surprise you to learn there are many things we consider normal that seem unusual or downright strange to non-Americans.
Here are ten things that non-Americans just don't understand about us.

1. Flags everywhere

Most people can't understand our love of the good old Stars and Stripes. Sure most people can recognise their own country's flag, but few nationalities show their flag the reverence we do. If you're after an American flag, you'll find them everywhere. You can even get the American flag on clothing such as t-shirts, ties, trousers, shoes and even bikinis.
So if you want to demonstrate your patriotism, there are hundreds of ways!

2. Thanksgiving

Ask any American, and they'd probably agree that Thanksgiving is one of their favourite holidays. Whether it's pumpkin pie, the turkey and cranberry or the Thanksgiving parade, everyone has their favourite part of the day. Other countries don't celebrate the holiday and tend to focus much more on Christmas as their main celebration at this time of year.

3. Tipping

Routine tipping of services would seem a pretty reasonable thing to us Americans, sometimes even if the service weren't particularly good. Many foreigners find tipping confusing, while in some countries such as Japan, it is considered rude to tip.

Trust me, I'm a Mechanic (10 Photos)

Company History Benz Patent Motor Car

 Company History Benz Patent Motor Car, the first automobile (1885 – 1886) The first stationary gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz was a one-cylinder two-stroke unit which ran for the first time on New Year's Eve 1879.

The first stationary gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz was a one-cylinder two-stroke unit which ran for the first time on New Year’s Eve 1879. Benz had so much commercial success with this engine that he was able to devote more time to his dream of creating a lightweight car powered by a gasoline engine, in which the chassis and engine formed a single unit.
 The major features of the two-seater vehicle, which was completed in 1885, were the compact high-speed single-cylinder four-stroke engine installed horizontally at the rear, the tubular steel frame, the differential and three wire-spoked wheels. The engine output was 0.75 hp (0.55 kW). Details included an automatic intake slide, a controlled exhaust valve, high-voltage electrical vibrator ignition with spark plug, and water/thermo siphon evaporation cooling.
On January 29, 1886, Benz applied for a patent for his “vehicle powered by a gas engine.” The patent – number 37435 – may be regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile. In July 1886 the newspapers reported on the first public outing of the three-wheeled Benz Patent Motor Car, model no. 1.
Using an improved version and without her husband’s knowledge, Benz’s wife Bertha and their two sons Eugen (15) and Richard (14) embarked on the first long-distance journey in automotive history on an August day in 1888. The route included a few detours and took them from Mannheim to Pforzheim, her place of birth. With this journey of 180 kilometers including the return trip Bertha Benz demonstrated the practicality of the motor vehicle to the entire world. Without her daring – and that of her sons – and the decisive stimuli that resulted from it, the subsequent growth of Benz & Cie. in Mannheim to become the world’s largest automobile plant of its day would have been unthinkable.

It was Carl Benz who had the double-pivot steering system patented in 1893, thereby solving one of the most urgent problems of the automobile. The first Benz with this steering system was the three-hp (2.2-kW) Victoria in 1893, of which slightly larger numbers with different bodies were built. The world’s first production car with some 1200 units built was the Benz Velo of 1894, a lightweight, durable and inexpensive compact car.
1897 saw the development of the “twin engine” consisting of two horizontal single-cylinder units in parallel, however this proved unsatisfactory. It was immediately followed by a better design, the “contra engine” in which the cylinders were arranged opposite each other. This was the birth of the horizontally-opposed piston engine. Always installed at the rear by Benz until 1900, this unit generated up to 16 hp (12 kW) in various versions.